Affordable/accessible treatment for pain during COVID-19
Since the arrival of COVID-19 we are in uncharted territory. Things are changing by the day with restrictions on things like elective surgeries,dental, and optical care. However, injures still occur, and people with previous injuries are still dealing with ongoing pain. This remains a part of day to day life for many. For many people concerns are also rising about their income and how they could even afford care, as well as being unaware of what care is even still available.
Thankfully we can help. This is in large part due to us being a McKenzie certified clinic. How does that help? The entire paradigm of the McKenzie approach is one of minimizing patients visits and the need to attend physical therapy. It revolves around a hands off treatment approach, patient education, and patient self-treatment strategies that are designed around its unique classification and assessment system. This not only makes it ideal for Tele-medicine and/or treatment where “social distancing” can be adhered to. It also allows for fewer visits and thus less co-pays and overall expense. Since Alaska is a "direct access state", you can come directly to Physical Therapy without the need to see your doctor first.
If you or someone you know has pain, now might just be the perfect time to act. Take this opportunity to make the most of not only your time but also your financial resources too. Call today (907) 561-1711 or paste this link in your browser: https://www.iptalaska.com/start-my-physical-therapy-page